Just poking around desperately looking for clues on the controller and learning about some of the hardware. Apparently there is supposed to be some synchronization of the robot type, serial number, mastering data, and hour meter between a card in the controller (DSE) and a card on the robot (RDW or RDC – I’ve heard both, not sure if they’re the same, or different or what). If they’re not synchronized, you get errors.
I’m feeling pretty confident that the controller we picked off the truck isn’t the one that was originally paired with this robot. Under Setup -> Service -> DSE-RDW, I found some info about the RDW serial number which says -27945. That’s not the serial number of the cabinet, nor the robot, so maybe that’s the problem? Tried to change it but says I need to pull a jumper out of the RDW card. I’m going to let this go for now, but maybe a lead.
One other clue that there’s a mismatch b/w the controller and robot is in the file $robcor which I found in the folder KRC\R1\MADA\
There’s a line reading:
$MODEL_NAME[]="#KR350L240_2 H C2 FLR ZH350"
The same model is indicated when I look under Help -> Info.
That’s not right.